ngrx - Part 4 Action Creators


Time: 5min

In this lesson, we will look at getting better strong typing around our action methods and remove all the object creation to a single place.

Learning Outcomes

  • How to make action creators

Add Action Creators

Time: 10min
  • Make a new company.actions.ts file in the actions folder inside the app folder.
  • Add the below Action creators


import { Action } from '@ngrx/store';
import { Company } from '../company/company';

export const LOAD_COMPANIES = '[Companies] Load';
export const DELETE_COMPANY = '[Companies] Delete';

export class LoadCompanies implements Action {
  readonly type = LOAD_COMPANIES;
  constructor(public payload: Company[]) { }

export class DeletCompany implements Action {
  readonly type = DELETE_COMPANY;
  constructor(public payload: number) { }

export type All
  = LoadCompanies
  | DeletCompany;

Update companyReducer to use action creators

Time: 5min
import { Company } from './../company/company';
import { ActionReducer, Action } from '@ngrx/store';
import * as CompanyActions from './../actions/company.actions';

export function companyReducer(state = [], action: CompanyActions.All) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case CompanyActions.LOAD_COMPANIES:
      return action.payload;
      return state;

Update Company Service to use the action creators

Time: 5min


  loadCompanies(): void {
      .subscribe(companies => CompanyActions.LoadCompanies(companies)));


Time: 2min

In this module, we replaced our inline objects for dispatching actions to all be in one place with action creators.