CRM App - Part 2 Generating Components


Time: 5min

In this lesson, we will create a CompanyListComponent and discuss components and Angular module structure.

Learning Outcomes:

  • How to use the CLI generate commands
  • Understand the main parts of a component
  • Understand the main parts of an Angular module
  • Understand basic data binding and Angular directives

Generate a new CompanyListComponent

Time: 2min
  • Make a new CompanyListComponent with the CLI by running the following command in the terminal.

Note it will make the parent company folder if it does not exist.

 ng generate component company/company-list --skip-tests
  • Open app.component.html and replace the existing HTML with the CompanyListComponent's selector. This will then render our new company list component on the app component.



CompanyList - Load the companies

Time: 5min

We are going to update the company-list component to load an array of properties when the component is initialised and assign them to a property of the component called companies.

  • update the company-list component to reflect the below changes


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'fbc-company-list',
  templateUrl: './company-list.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./company-list.component.scss']
export class CompanyListComponent implements OnInit {
  companies: any = [];

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {

  getCompanies() {
    this.companies = [
      { name: 'company 1', email: 'email 1', phone: 111 },
      { name: 'company 2', email: 'email 2', phone: 111 }

Note that in the above we did the following:

  • Added a companies property.
  • Added the getCompanies method that creates an array of companies and assigns them to the companies property.
  • Called getCompanies when the component is initialised.

CompanyList template - Show the companies

Time: 5min

Next we want to update the template for the company-list to output the list of companies assigned to the companies property.

  • Open the company-list component template and remove the default html.
  • Add the companies binding to HTML template using a JSON pipe.


    {{companies | json}}
  • Inpect the output in the browser. Your list of companies should be displayed.

Strongly type the companies array

Time: 5min

The companies array on our component is not currently strongly typed so we don't get intellisense or compile time checking.

Next we are going to create a 'Company' interface, then update the array from being of type any to being of type Company[].

Create the company interface

  • Create a 'Company' interface by running the following command
ng generate interface company/company
  • Open the generated interface and add the following interface properties


export interface Company {
    name: string;
    email: string;
    phone: number;

Strongly type the 'companies' property

  • Open the company-list component
  • Import the Company type


import { Company } from '../company';
  • Replace the companies property any type with a Company[] type in CompanyListComponent.


  companies: Company[];

Our CompanyListComponent should now look like this:


import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Company } from '../company';

  selector: 'fbc-company-list',
  templateUrl: './company-list.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./company-list.component.scss']
export class CompanyListComponent implements OnInit {  
  companies: Company[] = [];

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {

  getCompanies() {
    this.companies = [
      { name: 'company 1', email: 'email 1', phone: 111 },
      { name: 'company 2', email: 'email 2', phone: 111 }

EXTRA: VS Code Extensions

Time: 10min

The best way to get all the best extensions for VS Code Angular development is to use an extension to install extensions. John Papa's "Angular Essentials" extension will install all of them for you.

Another must try setting is auto save for VS Code

To install autosave select "Auto Save" from the "File" option in the main menu of VS Code. Some people do not like the constent refreshing but we highly recommend you at least try it out.