ZzChallenge #1


Time: 5min

In this challenge, we will build a search input field with ngModel

Learning Outcomes:

  • How to use ngModel
  • How to call HTTP endpoints

Challenge steps

Time: 0min
  • Create a new project
ng new challenge --prefix fbc
  • Add a people component in a people feature folder
ng g c people/people --spec false
  • Add a people service in a people feature folder
ng g c people/service --spec false
  • Add a getPeople method in the PeopleService that calls this endpoint https:swapi.co/api/people.
  • Bind the returned data to an unordered list in the component with an async pipe and a property called people$
  <li *ngFor="let person of people$ | async">{{person.name}}</li>
  • Add an imput with ngModel and bind it to a component property called searchTerm
  • Add button that calls a searchPeople method in the people service with the below endpoint.
  • Output the returned json from the searchPeople method bound to a people property with the json pipe to the top of the page.
{{person | json}}

Figure: Working app in browser